Day Trips and Unique Experiences

Magical places

Unique moments

At Embajadores de Málaga, we create tourist and cultural experiences with a touch of exclusivity. Our BESPOKE tours are designed to offer unique moments, immersing you in the cultural and gastronomic richness of Andalusia.

With detailed attention and luxurious service, every trip with us becomes an unforgettable adventure. Let us turn your travel dreams into a reality full of elegance and comfort. We invite you to discover with us extraordinary experiences that will exceed all your expectations.

Baños árabes Bañuelo
Arab baths Bañuelo

With the flexibility to customize itineraries, we tailor each experience to the individual interests and needs of our travellers. Málaga Ambassadors not only contributes to the economic, tourist and cultural development of the city, but also promotes a model of emotional and sustainable tourism. We want those who visit us to live a genuine experience, immersing themselves in the purest roots of Málaga life.

Day Trips

Andalusian roots

Los Gálvez

The American Heritage. The legacy of the Gálvez family

Discover the fascinating history of the Galvez family on our unique trip to Macharaviaya, where the heritage of Spain and the United States is intertwined. Bernardo de Gálvez, hero in the American War of Independence. Walk through the streets of

Raíces sefardíes. Sefarad en Málaga

Sephardic roots. Sepharad in Málaga

The route “The Sephardic Heritage of Málaga” offers an exciting and enriching journey through the Sephardic history in Málaga, a city that has become a symbol of tolerance and respect. This unique experience takes visitors through the historic places where

Herencia fenicia Mlk

Phoenician heritage. Mlk Phoenician city

Explore the fascinating Phoenician history of Malaga from Gibralfaro to the old town by visiting the Ifergan Museum with its collection of Phoenician art, offering the exclusive opportunity to acquire authentic Phoenician antiquities. Visitors will discover the legacy of this

Raíces árabes. La herencia musulmana de Málaga

Arab roots. Málaga’s Muslim heritage

The route is a deep dive into the Islamic history of the city, highlighting its role as the capital of the Cora de Rayya in Al-Andalus. From its importance in the Umayyad Caliphate to its resistance to the Catholic Monarchs,

Our sustainable and responsible tourism offer integrates cultural, social and economic aspects, aiming at a balance between tourism development and the preservation of natural and cultural resources.

We strive to provide experiences that allow travellers to learn about and respect different cultures, lifestyles, festivities, history, architecture, and monuments, contributing to mutual understanding and appreciation.



Get in touch with Málaga Ambassadors, we have a lot to offer you.